Here are our latest offers
Glow Up 1 Glow Up 2 1 x Deluxe Micro and Mini Peel1 x Hydrofacial Express + LED 1 x Radiofrequency face and neck+ LED£261 now £230 1 x Obagi Radiance Peel1 x Radiofrequency face and neck+ LED1 x Skintech Face and Neck£270 NOW £238 Glow Up 3 Glow Up 4 1 x Obagi Radiance Peel1…
Package 1 1 x BIO Gel & Manicure 1 x Skintech Facial 1 x Hydro2 Express Facial £198 usually £168 Package 2 2 x Hydro2 Express Facials 1 x Deluxe Microdermabrasion & Mini Peel £219 usually £180 Package 3 1 x Obagi Radiance Blue Peel 1 x RF Skin Tightening, face & neck 1 x…
Facials & Skin Treatments Pay for 3 sessions and get one treatment at 1/2 price Aromatherapy full Body Massage £168 Microdermabrasion £210 Deluxe Microdermabrasion £236 Hydro2 Express 30mins £210 Hydro2 Facial 60mins £420 Hydro2 Facial 90mins £525 Laser Hair Removal* – All 4 sessions to be taken on the same treatment area *Consultation and patch test…
This is a quick fix to firm and tone the legs. Off on holiday? Got an event coming up? Wearing a dress? Or just want your legs to look a bit better? Using our 3D Lipo radio frequency and vacuum modality, we can work on the legs. Using the heat from the radio frequency and…
30% OFF OBAGI Clenziderm Therapeutic Lotion!! Client First Name, are you suffering from active acne? We’re focusing on the health of our skin and helping those suffering with acne. Acne is a common skin condition that affects most people at some point. It causes spots, oily skin and sometimes skin that’s hot or painful to…
If you have been in to our clinic for a treatment or for products then please leave us a GOOGLE REVIEW to enter our BIG GIVEAWAY!! Each person to leave us a review during December, will be entered in the draw which will take place on Friday 23rd December 2022. To have a double entry…
During November and December 2022 we are offering 50% off Laser Hair Removal!* *This offer is valid for new customers and new treatment areas for existing customers.
With the lead up to the party season, we have some special packages on offer to get your skin looking flawless.*Facial treatments below are for the face only & treatments will be from September to December 2022.We have 6 packages to choose from: Package 1:1 x Profhilo1 x Dermaforce (microneedling and radiofrequency) 1 x Hydro2 Facial…
Offers This July Get £30 off a 60 Minute Treatment! This offer is available to new and existing customers. Offer starts July 10th, 2022 and expires on July 31st, 2022. *Add LED facial to your treatment for just £10!