What are the signs of skin Ageing?
There are 3 main signs of skin aging and each one effects the skin differently:
The first noticeable signs of skin aging are fine lines and wrinkles. Small, shallow wrinkles known as laughter lines or crow´s feet tend to become noticeable at the outer corners of the eyes. These may appear around the age of 30, but we all age differently and how we age depends on our genetics and lifestyle. These fine lines are followed by wrinkles on the forehead. At first these are only visible when our skin moves as we change our facial expressions and they are known as dynamic wrinkles. As we age further they become more prominent and evolve into permanent wrinkles that are visible even when our face is static. Frowning can cause vertical lines between the brows.
Loss of Volume
It can be difficult to identify a loss of volume and facial contours. The first signs of a loss of volume in the lips tends to be when lipstick starts to bleed. A loss of facial volume tends to result in sagging skin, a flattening of the cheeks and the appearance of loose skin on the neck area. It changes the overall appearance of the face which can look negative, sad or tired. The fold that develops between the nose and the mouth, known as the nasolabial fold, is also linked to a loss of volume in this area
Loss of Elasticity and Deep Wrinkles
As our skin matures its structure weakens and it loses elasticity and firmness. Skin also becomes drier, appears more `crepey` and loses the radiance we associate with youthful skin. Again, because our skin is as individual as we are, these changes become visible at different ages but are most commonly experienced by those who are 50+.
Internal causes of skin aging?
Some of the causes of skin aging are inevitable. Our biological age determines structural changes in the skin and the efficiency of cell functions. These slow down with each passing year.
A poorer blood supply
Poor blood supply means the delivery of nutrients and oxygen to the skin’s surface is impeded. The radiance that is a feature of young skin fades, and skin becomes duller.
Hormonal influences
Decreasing levels of estrogen (instruction giving hormones) result in reduced messaging between the cells.
These play a key role in how skin ages. The skin type we are born with makes a difference to how quickly signs of aging appear on skin’s surface. For example:
- Fitzpatrick skin types 1-3 or sensitive skin is more prone to wrinkles at an earlier age than darker Fitzpatrick types 4-6
- Fitzpatrick skintype 3 can be prone to uneven skin tone, but wrinkles appear at a later age than for skin types 1 and 2
What are the external causes of skin aging
Sun RaysThe sun’s rays are the primary external cause of skin ageing – oxidative stress. Skin damage caused by the sun is known as photo ageing and uneven pigmentation is often one of the first visible signs to appear. And it’s not just prolonged UV exposure that causes skin damage; everyday exposure effects skin too.
Exposure to pollution, most commonly in cities, can trigger the release of skin damaging free radicals. Pollution also worsens the effects of sun exposure accelerating oxidative stress
The chemicals and nicotine contained in cigarettes are responsible for an upsurge in the number of free radicals in the skin. Like pollution, they intensify the effects of sun exposure leading to oxidative stress.