Recently Doctor Patel and Gita attended a Syneron Candela course. The course covered various topics including laser skin rejuvenation and treatment of fungal nail infections using the laser.
Doctor Patel and Gita said ‘We found the course very useful as it was an intense meeting with lots of time for interaction. It was overall a very good course and we are happy that we can now offer these treatments to our patients’
New treatments at a glance:
Skin Rejuvenation treatment is great for pore reduction and skin tightening. During this treatment the laser is passed over the surface of the skin multiple times using a grid like method. The average candidate will require 5-6 treatments at 4 week intervals
Fungal nail infections can now be treated by the laser using the Nd-YAG laser. All 10 nails must be treated with 2 sessions required at 4 week intervals.
If you would like to know more about these treatments please visit our treatment pages alternatively to book a consultation please contact the clinic.