Look & Feel Younger

Vitamin B12 injections helps maintain good health and has been shown to be beneficial in helping to reduce stress, fatigue, improve memory, sleep, improved immune system and cardiovascular health. It reduces homocysteine levels in the blood and thereby reduces the risk of heart attack and strokes.

Vegetarians, especially vegans are likely to suffer from B12 deficiency as their diet lacks animal protein and eggs that are a primary source of B12.

Symptoms of Vitamin B12 deficiency are the following, but the levels have to be very low before they manifest clinically: Ataxia (shaking movements and unsteady gait), muscle weakness, pins and needles in toes and fingers, dementia and mood disturbance.

It is recommended to have Vitamin B12 Injections every month.

Possible Side Effects of B12 injections

Vitamin B12 injections can result in some side effects. Uncommon side effects should be reported to the practitioner as soon as possible.  

These include:

  • Rapid Heartbeat
  • Flushed Face
  • Hives, Skin Rashes
  • Diarrhoea
  • Nausea
  • Urine Discolouration 

Caution and Contraindications

Before starting vitamin B12 injections, you need to inform the practitioner if you: 

  • Are Pregnant or Breastfeeding
  • Have Lebers Disease (a hereditary optic nerve atrophy condition)
  • Kidney Disease
  • Liver Disease
  • An Infection
  • Iron Deficiency
  • Folic Acid Deficiency
  • Sensitivity to Cobalt or cobaltamin
  • Sensitivity to food colouring or dyes

About The Treatment

Procedure Time

20 Minutes

Recovery Time




Back To Work

Same day

Duration Of Results

4-8 Weeks

No. Of Treatments

Treatment Cost
Single Injection £40