Remove Unwanted Warts

Warts are caused by a virus called Human Papilloma (HPV).  When you contract the virus on your hands and face, a small “cauliflower-like” growth appears, known as a wart.

We only treat warts on the face or hands.  The wart is curetted and then cautery or a hyfrecator is used to stop any bleeding.  A scab forms that may last for 7-10 days and then hopefully there will no longer be a wart.  However, in some cases, 1-3 treatments may be necessary for clearance of the wart.

Whilst the success rate of this treatment is very high, it is not 100% as some warts fail to respond despite our best efforts.

There is a consultation fee of £50 with Dr Patel, which is refundable against the cost of the treatment.

Contact Us

About The Treatment

Procedure Time

30 Minutes

Recovery Time




Back To Work

Same day

Duration Of Results


No. Of Treatments

1 - 3 which are payable per session
Seborrheic keratosis (Warts) on Face £300
Wart Removal on the body from £200
Wart Removal on the Hands from £150 per treatment (1-3 usually required)

Questions & Answers

Depending on the location and size of the wart results can take 1 – 4 treatments. Warts on the hands & feet, and large warts may take 4 or more treatments for optimal results. Laser wart treatments are performed every 4 weeks.

Without any comfort measures laser wart treatment feels similar to a small snapping rubber band. There is no discomfort after the laser pulse. For maximum comfort we provide numbing (anesthetic) cream, ice and chilled gel. With these measures laser wart treatment is very comfortable.

There is not any down time to speak of with laser wart treatment. However, if a blister were to occur we have specific instructions that we would have you follow until it is healed (usually 7-10 days).

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