Tear Trough Treatment is a non-surgical thirty-minute eye-lift that can restore your looks instantly. As we age the delicate skin under the eye becomes lax and the cheek fat descends into the middle of the face leaving semi-circular creases and depressions known as tear troughs. These depressions make the eyes look ‘sunken’ and produce the illusion of darkening around the eyes resulting in ‘dark circles’ or ‘tired eyes’.
Dermal fillers are now used to eliminate the hollows you may have beneath your eyes and bring them back from the depths (tear trough treatment). By lifting these depressions it can take away the tired appearance and lighten the dark circles caused by shadowing. For Asian skin types, pigmentation can be corrected and improved using specialist prescription-only topical creams that will suppress the pigmentation and lighten the skin.
Come and see us at the Laser & Aesthetic Clinic for an honest and professional consultation. There is a £50 charge for a consultation with Dr Patel this is refundable on commencement of the treatment. All treatments performed by GMC registered Doctor