The answer to this is normally to change your life style. Recognising what your life style and eating habits are will really help in knowing what areas in your life need to change. Try writing a food and alcohol diary and count how many calories you are currently consuming, there are some great apps out there such as MyFitnessPal.
If you are starting an exercise program, then remember your body will need to consume enough calories to start burning fat. By reducing food portions but eating more regularly will be easier for your body to digest meals and will speed up the metabolism. Other changes you can make is to reduce saturated fats, alcohol consumption, processed food and unnecessary unhealthy snacks.
Keep yourself HYDRATED, by increasing water intake, protein – particularly if you are exercising regularly & increase fresh foods. Consuming slow releasing carbs such as Oats will keep your energy levels high while feeling fuller for longer.
Many of us hate the gym, so if you’re not a fan of going to the gym or for a run, then just getting your body moving more will most certainly help. Go for a walk each day, 30 minutes is usually sufficient. Even housework will help to burn those extra calories, so why not clean and burn calories at the same time?
Once these changes have been made, that is the time that you can start thinking of adding in some extra fat reducing treatments.
Have you heard of 3D Lipo? This will help to get you in that dress quicker.
3D Lipo Ultimate -pro is the next generation in non-surgical body sculpting with multiple treatment offerings. This is a credible alternative to surgery for treatment fat reduction, cellulite and skin tightening.
What are the expected results?…..
Results depends on the individual client and also their lifestyle.
After 8 course of 8 sessions of fat reduction treatments, you can expect to see 2 inches of fat loss on the treatment area. To enhance the results we would recommend to exercise 3-4 times a week, eating healthily and increasing water intake to 2-3 litres a day.