Look & Feel Younger

Fat dissolving injections (Lipolysis) is a non-surgical fat reduction procedure. It works by injecting a water-based solution containing deoxycholic acid or phosphotidylcholine directly into the adipose fat tissue targeting localised areas of fat.

We use a product called Celluform. This is an effective lipolytic treatment that fights localised fat.

These injections break down the membranes of the fat cells, causing the release of the fat. The fat is then naturally dispersed via the lymphatic system. A course of 3-4 treatments maybe required.

This treatment is effective when targeting stubborn, pinchable areas of fat deposits.

Lipolysis is suitable for patients that are close to their ideal weight but have stubborn areas of fat pockets.

The areas that are most popular and most suitable: double chin, jawline/jowls, lower abdomen and hips.

The process works over a period of 1-4 weeks. The results will be permanent unless there is more weight gain and fat is stored.

“Some areas of the body are more prone to stubborn areas of fat, and this is a concern raised by many clients. The double chin is one of these areas, as are localised fat on the abdomen and flanks (for larger areas of fat, 3D Lipo may be more suitable). In order to address this, I have recently introduced injection lipolysis (fat dissolving injections) into the clinic. I have chosen to offer Celluform fat dissolving injections in the clinic as it contains both ingredients (phosphotidyl choline and deoxycholate) that work in tandem to destroy the fat cells. A course of sessions are recommended for optimum results. It is important to mention that this treatment aims to complement a healthy lifestyle. So, for long term results, we recommend maintaining a well balanced diet and
regular exercise alongside this fat reduction treatment”

About The Treatment

Procedure Time

30 Min

Recovery Time




Back To Work

Same Day

Duration Of Results


No. Of Treatments

3 - 4 Sessions
Treatment Cost
Double Chin OR Jowels £250
Flanks £300
Upper Abdomen £300
Lower Abdomen £300

Prices are per session. 4 sessions may be required and these would be done at 3 week intervals.

Questions & Answers

What is Fat Dissolving Injections?

Injection Lipolysis is a non-surgical fat reduction procedure. It works by injecting a water-based solution containing deoxycholic acid or phosphotidylcholine directly into the adipose fat tissue targeting localised areas of fat.

Who is ideal for Lipolysis?

This treatment is effective when targeting stubborn, pinchable areas of fat deposits.

Lipolysis is suitable for patients that are close to their ideal weight but have stubborn areas of fat pockets.

The areas that are most popular and most suitable: double chin, jawline/jowls, lower abdomen and upper abdomen.

How long does Lipolysis work for?

The process works over a period of 1-4 weeks. You would require 3 or 4 sessions which would be 3 to 4 weeks apart. The results will be permanent unless there is more weight gain and fat is stored.

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